
That’s it. I quit.

Something I have prided myself on over the last few years has been my non-partisan involvement in politics. I don”t adhere to a specific political party in provincial or federal politics, and I don’t put all my eggs in one municipal basket. Per se.

Well, I ruined that. Sort of.

This year, against my best judgement, I involved myself with campaigns for two different candidates at different times leading up to this year’s municipal election.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve enjoyed helping them out and being a part of the process, and I believe I made positive contributions to both campaigns.

All that being said, I realized recently that working on specific campaigns means I cannot criticize freely. While I did my best to ensure all candidate were being held accountable, I felt while on these campaigns, I was trying to live two lives. In addition, any criticism I voiced to other candidates could be construed as being official statements from the candidates I was helping.

And I want to be objective.

As a result, today I announce publicly that I am not on any campaigns in this year’s municipal elections in Lethbridge. Any criticism or political commentary is made by me and me alone. It does not represent anyone else’s views.

Now, let the games begin.

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By Kim Siever

I live in Lethbridge with my spouse and 5 of our 6 children. I’m a writer, focusing on social issues and the occasional poem. My politics are radically left. I recently finished writing a book debunking several capitalism myths. My newest book writing project is on the labour history of Lethbridge.

I’m also dichotomally Mormon. And I’m a functional vegetarian: I have a blog post about that somewhere around here. My pronouns are he/him.

4 replies on “That’s it. I quit.”

That’s one night of TwitterWar 2010 down. If this is what we can expect in the near future, I think this could attract some interest even from the local mainstream media. Very cool.

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