

  1. A man who worked.
  2. A man who taught.
  3. A man who led the way.
  4. A man who ran.
  5. A man who fought
  6. A good fight every day.
  7. A man who built.
  8. A man who planned.
  9. A man who always pulled.
  10. A man who hoped.
  11. A man who knew
  12. A glass was always full.
  13. A man who smiled.
  14. A man who laughed;
  15. A twinkle in his eye.
  16. A man who loved.
  17. A man who saw
  18. A need to always try.

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By Kim Siever

I live in Lethbridge with my spouse and 5 of our 6 children. I’m a writer, focusing on social issues and the occasional poem. My politics are radically left. I recently finished writing a book debunking several capitalism myths. My newest book writing project is on the labour history of Lethbridge.

I’m also dichotomally Mormon. And I’m a functional vegetarian: I have a blog post about that somewhere around here. My pronouns are he/him.

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