Last month, I wrote about rent affordability in Lethbridge. A lot of people agreed with the conclusions I drew from the data I presented: it confirmed their own lived experience.

I live in Lethbridge with my spouse and 5 of our 6 children. I’m a writer, focusing on social issues and the occasional poem. My politics are radically left. I recently finished writing a book debunking several capitalism myths. My newest book writing project is on the labour history of Lethbridge.
I’m also dichotomally Mormon. And I’m a functional vegetarian: I have a blog post about that somewhere around here. My pronouns are he/him.
Last month, I wrote about rent affordability in Lethbridge. A lot of people agreed with the conclusions I drew from the data I presented: it confirmed their own lived experience.
I decided to try a new feature here on my blog a few months ago: my most popular social media posts. Well, here’s the 7th instalment:
Socialism built the modern world, not capitalism. Anyone who tells you that global poverty is dropping, and it’s because of capitalism doesn’t understand how the real world works.
I’ve had my first podcast interview!
Recently, Richard Gordon had me on his Albertastan podcast. We discuss supervised consumption sites and the salaries of staff in the premier’s office.
I don’t understand how opponents of the supervised consumption site can say there wasn’t enough consultation prior to the it opening.
The Lethbridge Herald is on a roll this month with all the roasts and letters they’re publishing from people opposed to the local supervised consumption site. I already addressed this week’s roasts, but I thought I’d take a stab at some of the letters.
I wrote my response to the first letter and the second letter earlier this week. Below is my response to the third, which you can read here.
Between the 2017–2018 and 2018–2019 reporting periods, Alberta Health Services spent 2.97% more on salaries and benefits. That seems like a good thing, right?
The Lethbridge Herald is on a roll this month with all the roasts and letters they’re publishing from people opposed to the local supervised consumption site. I already addressed this week’s roasts, but I thought I’d take a stab at some of the letters.
I wrote my response to the first letter yesterday. Below is my response to the second, which you can read here.
The Lethbridge Herald is on a roll this month with all the roasts and letters they’re publishing from people opposed to the local supervised consumption site. I already addressed this week’s roasts, but I thought I’d take a stab at some of the letters.
Here’s the first, which you can read here.
Capitalism is inherently oppressive. It’s built on the concept of hierarchy.