
Liberals should stop splitting the vote

Let’s remember that during the 2015 federal campaign, the NDP were the frontrunners. Right up until about a month before the election. It was about that time that the Liberals started getting worried. Liberals don’t think the NDP are a viable party to govern in Parliament, so they assumed that NDP winning would actually result in a Conservative win. They use this belief to scare left-leaning voters to get behind them, saying that if people vote NDP, they will split the vote.

But it takes two to tango.

Sexism and women studies

Ram the daughter. Dodge the father.

In my neighbourhood, there’s a truck that has a decal on its rear window that says, “Ram the daughter, Dodge the father.” Does anyone else find this super gross?


Canadian conservatives are a minority

If the Conservative Party of Canada wins the federal election later this month, I think we should be careful about interpreting that as meaning that Canadian voters are conservative.

Lethbridge Politics

Lethbridge has a long labour history

Given its propensity to vote in Conservative representatives, Lethbridge is known as a conservative stronghold. But it actually has a significant labour history going back over a century.


Capitalism can’t combat climate change

Capitalism cannot be the vehicle to combat climate change.


Social change shouldn’t come from consumers

In a free market economy, the law of supply and demand, rather than a central government, regulates production and labour. This is a flawed system, especially when it comes to implementing change.


Businesses manufacture market demand

Some time ago, I was talking to a homebuilder about a particular building material they were using for most of their homes. When I questioned them on it, they responded with something like, “We create only what the market demands.” Another homebuilder used a similar argument when I questioned them on their lack of multi-family housing options.

I’ve heard this argument from multiple businesses (not just home builders) over the years. Except it’s a lie.


Capitalism breeds more than just class inequality

Inequality is inherent in capitalism. Of course, in capitalism, power is unevenly distributed, lying in the hands of the few individuals who manage to own businesses and amass capital. But that power inequity breeds inequity in other areas.


Tax credits don’t help taxpayers

Must be a federal election. The Conservatives are promising tax credits again, and disguising them as tax cuts.


There’s no such thing as a useless university degree

A few weeks ago, someone posted the following on a local Facebook group.