Some people don’t like it when you tell them that businesses should pay more taxes. They claim that high taxes stifle business, which in turn prevents job creation.
Why companies should pay more taxes

Some people don’t like it when you tell them that businesses should pay more taxes. They claim that high taxes stifle business, which in turn prevents job creation.
On 11 April 2020, the Government of Alberta announced that they’d be sending 4.5 million procedural masks, 750,000 N95 masks, 30 million gloves, 87,000 goggles, and 50 ventilators to BC, Ontario, and Québec.
Less than a week later, a Reddit user going by the name of MutantProgress shared a screenshot of a message from a healthcare worker regarding masks that workers at their hospital in Calgary are being asked to wear.
Last month, the Lethbridge Herald, ran a letter to the editor, titled “Bill C-8 will limit help for children with gender issues”. It was written by Sascha Kramps, coordinator of community services at Edenbridge Family Services.
The key to successfully colonizing a land is to dehumanize the people who were already inhabiting that land.
Recession is defined by sustained periods of reduced economic activity. Economic activity is primarily driven by consumer spending, so reduced economic activity means consumers are spending less.
Capitalists insist that making sure companies have profits is what drive the economy. Here’s why that’s a myth.
If you ever hear a rich person tell you that we all have the same 24 hours, tell them they’re wrong. Here’s why.
If there’s one thing that’s become clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that neoliberal economic policies have failed our societies.
Workers are too often tasked with bearing the burden of generating profit for their employer.
In September 2019, the Government of Alberta established a Supervised Consumption Sites Review Committee. The government gave the committee a mandate to study the socio-economic impact of supervised consumption sites in the communities where they were located. The government specifically prevented them from simultaneously reviewing the health care impacts of the sites.