At the end of December, the Lethbridge Herald published an article with the title “Lethbridge still affordable for renters”. The first sentence read, “Lethbridge remains one of Canada’s most reasonably priced cities for renters.”

At the end of December, the Lethbridge Herald published an article with the title “Lethbridge still affordable for renters”. The first sentence read, “Lethbridge remains one of Canada’s most reasonably priced cities for renters.”
Anyone who thinks Jeff Bezos built Amazon with the sweat of his own brow doesn’t understand the position of privilege he came from. His parents were able to afford investing heavily into his business.
Several years ago, a friend of mine shot and killed several people. I had only ever known him as quiet, mild mannered, and always willing to help others, so this violence shocked me.
We often frame racism the wrong way. Racism isn’t really about the colour of our skin. It’s about power.
Last week, Dr. Em Pijl, a researcher at the University of Lethbridge, presented to City Council “Urban Social Issues Study”, a study into the impacts the Lethbridge Supervised Consumption Site has had on the local neighbourhood.
Being vegan is more expensive to be vegan than it is to be omnivorous. For example, at Superstore here in Lethbridge a package of a dozen veggie dogs cost $4.98; a package of a dozen regular hot dogs is $2.28. A 2-litre carton of soy milk is $3.98; a 2-litre carton of cow’s milk is $3.68. A package of ground round is $1.11 per 100 grams; a package of regular ground beef is $0.61 per 100 grams.
When conservatives implement austerity budgets, music, art, and drama programmes are among the first casualties. When cities build an art gallery, or a theatre, or an art centre, conservatives think it’s a waste of money. When cities commission an artist to create a public art piece, conservatives complain. When arts organizations are subsidized by government funding, conservatives call it excessive.
Yet despite their hatred for the arts, they consume it every day.
A couple of years ago, the local paper ran a story with the following headline: “Low-income families not using program meant to help save for kids’ education”.
This is the thing that Conservatives and Liberals can’t seem to get through their heads. Poor people can’t afford to save. They can’t afford to spend in order to later receive a tax break. Tax breaks, top ups, matching funds—none of them help poor people because they all require poor people first spending money they don’t have: if you don’t have the money to spend, you can’t benefit from these programmes.
Billionaires shouldn’t exist.
Billionaires steal money from workers by not paying them what they’re worth, then they hoard the money, tying it up in stocks, real estate, and other investments, which keeps that money from circulating in the economy.
You’ve probably heard people extolling the virtues of self-sufficiency, how if we work hard and pull ourselves up from the bootstraps, we can care for ourselves and mitigate the risk of unforeseen circumstances.