- Implicitly, complicit he perpetuates toxicity;
- He balks the talk while talks the talk because for him, talk is the tea.
- The fingernail a wrist impales while signs inhale and oaths exhale,
- “Or shall it be morality,” he asks as he tears at the veil.
- He treats his keys like vile disease, dismantling, yet still appease.
- He’s channelling a balancing between the charge and the reprise.
- Does he suppose that to oppose or, too, expose what no one knows
- Will bring him rest from this protest, at last be blessed with a repose?
- Yet clinging on, the singing gone, he still can hear the ringing yon,
- So fighting will and writing still, a dwindling hope still bringing dawn.
- Two worlds collide, the soul divide. To merge? To purge? It‘s all untried.
- Abandon one? Demandin’ one? One thing’s for sure. They will collide.