
Gun violence, race, and gender

Regarding gun violence in the United States, there are a couple of things to keep in mind before we conclude that the gun violence is caused by an abundance of guns.

Let’s take mass shootings.


Poor mental health care isn’t causing gun violence

When the topic of gun control comes up, it’s inevitable that someone will mention mental health. They claim that guns aren’t causing gun violence, but rather poor mental health care is.


Gun ownership isn’t the problem

If gun ownership breeds higher gun violence, then countries with higher gun ownership should have higher gun violence, right? Well, it certainly seems to be the case with the United States. They have the highest civilian gun ownership rate in the world and one of the highest firearm homicide rates.

But it’s not that easy.


Why I’ve changed my mind on gun control

Those who’ve known me for a while (especially on Facebook) will probably know that I’ve been in favour of gun control as a measure to curb gun violence.

I’ve changed my mind.