Some people don’t like it when you tell them that businesses should pay more taxes. They claim that high taxes stifle business, which in turn prevents job creation.
Why companies should pay more taxes

Some people don’t like it when you tell them that businesses should pay more taxes. They claim that high taxes stifle business, which in turn prevents job creation.
You’ve probably seen the announcement by this point that the Alberta government is spending $1.5 billion on the Keystone XL pipeline.
Here are 10 things you should realize about it.
Service Canada received nearly 1 million applications last week for employment insurance, which is 33 times more than the same week in 2019. I haven’t seen the numbers broken down for Alberta, but given that Alberta has 12% of Canada’s population, there’s a good chance that a significant number of those applications came from Alberta.
If there’s one thing that’s become clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that neoliberal economic policies have failed our societies.
Further to my recent posts on Lethbridge rent being unaffordable and Lethbridge workers being paid the lowest in Alberta, I decided to research property taxes in Lethbridge. What I discovered was that among all 18 Alberta cities, Lethbridge has the highest property taxes.
Last month, I wrote about rent affordability in Lethbridge. A lot of people agreed with the conclusions I drew from the data I presented: it confirmed their own lived experience.
I don’t normally do much with the roasts and toasts in the Lethbridge Herald, but there were several today that criticized the local supervised consumption site, so I thought I’d address some of the points they raised.
At the end of December, the Lethbridge Herald published an article with the title “Lethbridge still affordable for renters”. The first sentence read, “Lethbridge remains one of Canada’s most reasonably priced cities for renters.”
A couple of years ago, the local paper ran a story with the following headline: “Low-income families not using program meant to help save for kids’ education”.
This is the thing that Conservatives and Liberals can’t seem to get through their heads. Poor people can’t afford to save. They can’t afford to spend in order to later receive a tax break. Tax breaks, top ups, matching funds—none of them help poor people because they all require poor people first spending money they don’t have: if you don’t have the money to spend, you can’t benefit from these programmes.
Billionaires shouldn’t exist.
Billionaires steal money from workers by not paying them what they’re worth, then they hoard the money, tying it up in stocks, real estate, and other investments, which keeps that money from circulating in the economy.