
Alberta spends too little on healthcare salaries

Between the 2017–2018 and 2018–2019 reporting periods, Alberta Health Services spent 2.97% more on salaries and benefits. That seems like a good thing, right?


My response: “SCS a ‘house of horrors’”

The Lethbridge Herald is on a roll this month with all the roasts and letters they’re publishing from people opposed to the local supervised consumption site. I already addressed this week’s roasts, but I thought I’d take a stab at some of the letters.

I wrote my response to the first letter yesterday. Below is my response to the second, which you can read here.


How capitalism creates oppression

Capitalism is inherently oppressive. It’s built on the concept of hierarchy.

Lethbridge Politics

Lethbridge is not affordable for renters

At the end of December, the Lethbridge Herald published an article with the title “Lethbridge still affordable for renters”. The first sentence read, “Lethbridge remains one of Canada’s most reasonably priced cities for renters.”

Education News

The problem with performance-based funding

In January, the provincial government announced that they would be moving towards performance-based funding for post-secondary institutions.


Being vegan is a position of privilege

Being vegan is more expensive to be vegan than it is to be omnivorous. For example, at Superstore here in Lethbridge a package of a dozen veggie dogs cost $4.98; a package of a dozen regular hot dogs is $2.28. A 2-litre carton of soy milk is $3.98; a 2-litre carton of cow’s milk is $3.68. A package of ground round is $1.11 per 100 grams; a package of regular ground beef is $0.61 per 100 grams.


Billionaires should not exist

Billionaires shouldn’t exist.

Billionaires steal money from workers by not paying them what they’re worth, then they hoard the money, tying it up in stocks, real estate, and other investments, which keeps that money from circulating in the economy.


How balanced budgets destroy jobs

Here’s the problem with focusing on balanced budgets.

Balanced budgets rarely come with increased revenue, which means they must be accomplished with decreased expenses. And decreased expenses always means job losses. Because, as I’ve discussed before, everything the government spends money on creates jobs.


My response to Nathan Neudorf’s pro-capitalist rant

On 2 December 2019, Lethbridge-East MLA Nathan Neudorf spoke to the Alberta legislature, saying the seemingly random rant seen below:


Capitalism keeps workers poor

When I took my 7-year-old to ballet this past weekend, I noticed quite a few vehicles in the university parking lot that were in various states of disrepair.

Some had cracked windshields. Some had broken grills. Some had duct tape either masking blemishes or holding parts together. Some had patches of rust.

And all this reminded me that we live in a society that doesn’t pay its workers sufficiently.