I thank you for the important reporting you are doing
I greatly appreciate your efforts and really really enjoy your articles/posts. Keep it up!
Once again, kudos Kim. Your work is excellent.
Your work is beyond excellent.
Another very enlightening article, Kim. Thanks for your sleuthing.
Kim’s doing great work of late.
You’re killing it, Kim. Great work, man.
Read through your page yesterday and was very much impressed and assured by your articles. You are thoroughly interested in facts and not click baiting, which these days, I find refreshing.
Thanks for all your hard work and keeping us informed with the info that isn’t hitting the media.
Another valuable exposé, Kim. Good work!
Incredible article. Kim is on a roll with the facts. Must read.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. You have produced some great work people need to follow.
You are the bomb, Kim. So glad you are in my city kicking butt against UCP corruption.
Thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping the public informed about just how greasy this government is.
Your research and subsequent reporting is where I go to find the truth.
Excellent and informative. I’ve been trying to read up on this more. This article is very helpful.
Kim Siever is an awesome journalist. I appreciate his rigorous research and insightful point of view.
This myth busting blog will help. Everyone in the Alberta government making decisions about the fate of supervised consumption sites should read this. Our ally, Kim Siever, is fighting fiction with fact with yet another well researched blog post.
Great example of investigative journalism. You’ve provided by far the most information I’ve seen presented about the sale of this crown land. Mainstream news called it a day after telling people that it had happened.
Appreciate your in-depth journalism in the community.