Well, Kim had to pass the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper that Sunday, and then because he was assistant ward clerk, he had to sit at the front and record the number of people in the congregation.
Sunday School class in the Branch was split into two, determined alphabetically. Kim decided to attend Mary’s class. He sat beside her, and they talked about the whole subject from the night before. Mary was “reprimanded” by the Sunday School teacher for talking. So they decided to pass notes. Eventually, it came down to if Mary enjoyed the date the night before. Seeing an opportunity, Kim asked her if she would go steady . . . she said yes.
That night, they sat together during the potluck and the fireside. Jody (Kim’s brother), being the flirt that he was, tried getting food for Mary, but she politely declined saying, “That’s ok, Kim will get me some.” At this point, they hadn’t told anyone they were officially a couple. Kim had to go help give a blessing to a little boy of a single mother who attended the Branch, and was a bit late to the potluck. Mary was patient though, and waited for her food.
Their next date, the following Saturday, was spent walking the seawall promenade surrounding world-famous Stanley Park, and having a corned beef sandwich picnic. Then they went and saw Billy Madison — a movie they would not recommend and are ashamed they saw.
The following week, Kim was talking to Mary at work, during his grave yard shift, for three hours. He was caught on the surveillance camera and reprimanded by his boss.
By Wednesday, the 15th, they were unofficially engaged. The ring was picked out, and was picked up and paid for Friday the 17th. On the way home from picking up the ring, Kim stopped by the Hallmark store and printed out a personalised proposal card to give to Mary at the YSA Valentine’s Day Dance the next day.