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- Today’s the day when husbands fret
- And wonder what their wives to get
- To show their love with costly things
- Hearts of red and golden strings.
- Florists rake in quite the cash
- Bakers make the chocolate dash
- Stuffers stuff some record bears
- Jewellers cut more diamonds rare.
- Men run wild all over town
- Here and there and up and down
- They know they can’t this day to shirk
- They grab their gifts right after work.
- What thought is there in all of this?
- Do chocolates, bears replace the kiss?
- Do diamonds, jewels replace the poem?
- Do flowers, smells make the home?
- Is love restrained to just one day?
- Cannot the love be here to stay?
- Is this what all the women want?
- Do they need this yearly jaunt?
- To love one’s spouse is quite divine
- And love today is surely fine.
- But love’s not in the gold nor day
- It’s found in all we do and say.
- Let us all of men unite.
- Resolve to treat our spouses right.
- Let us love the whole year round,
- And show just where are hearts are found.